At American Kidz we stress a lot upon the surroundings as we believe that surroundings especially AMBIENCE plays a big role in holistic development of young talents to groom them into an all rounder. We keep the ambience at American Kidz enjoyable and colorfull, safeand secured so that the children feel school a home away from home.


The equipment used is of international standards and made from safe and hygienic materials especially plastic’s used are non toxic and best of quality.

American Kidz Play School have ample space with specially designed activity rooms where kids learn, listen, hone their skills, imagine to create new things, learn how to paint their imaginations, build physical strength on uniquely crafted equipments, where they learn to stretch their muscles properly. The locations are mostly upmarket quiet place where activities can be carried out unhindered.

The teaching methodology is child focused and involves interactive teaching techniques using best of the Montessori equipments and materials. We lay emphasis on maximum use of games, toys, Montessori teaching aids by well trained staff to attain best result. All the learning activities at American Kidz are designed in such a manner that kids learn it all by doing it on their own. They touch, explore, feel, enjoy and learn it by doing it with the help of carefully selected toys, games, activities, Montessori teaching aids and equipments.


The faculty at American Kidz Play School is well trained in child psychology and Montessori teaching techniques. No doubt they constitute main strength. They are trained on a regular basis by experts in the field to keep them abreast with the latest teaching methods as per International Standards. The teacher at American Kidz is a friend who reads through the abilities and likings of the child and then facilitates in honing the skills that the child by promoting them to explore and learn. Strict discipline is maintained to give the very best of education to the child.


A strict child to teachers ratio is maintained so that the teacher can focus on each and every child so that each child can actively participate in the day to day activities.


We make sure to use the best and safe disinfectants, sanitizers and other cleaning equipment to have a very safe and germ-free environment for the children to play and learn. We also have included cleanliness and hygiene in our curriculum so that children gain lifelong positive hygiene behaviour.


We send updates to the parents on classroom activities by videos and pictures. We want the parents to know about their child’s experience to the fullest and also to keep them informed about the menu, weekly lesson plans, etc. We also keep parents informed about the school-wide news. The teachers themselves will try to keep you updated on a regular basis.


The curriculum at American Kidz is designed as per international standards of the Montessori education that is age appropriate, practical and tested that enhance multiskill development using Montessori equipments and teaching aids.


At American Kidz, safety and security of our children is the top most priority. We have an exhaustive list on safety and security compliance measures which all our schools need to follow. These measures include school premises under CCTV surveillance, verification of staff, restricted entry into the school, teachers training on incident management, availability of fire extinguishers and first aid kit, etc.

Difference Between Conventional Education And Montessori Education:


Montessori classrooms, the teachers try as much as possible to avoid interruptions to the workings of the children’s minds. This means that students spend as much time as they need on each activity.

In Conventional classrooms however, there is a schedule and therefore a time is set for each activity even if one child needs more time than another.


All Montessori based classrooms are prepared with the knowledge of the needs of each student. They include student-centered lessons and activities.

Conventional classrooms are based on teacher-centered lessons or activities.


Montessori lessons are also extremely active and hands-on, forcing children to solve problems and learn for themselves.

On the other hand, Conventional pre-schools mostly teach in a way which means the students to learn more passively by listening, memorising and repeating information.


Montessori teachers aim to guide children through activities, rather than dictate what should or shouldn’t be done that leads to the individual learning path and needs of each child,

Conventional preschool teachers follow a curriculum or a predetermined order of each class instead and therefore set the same tasks for each child regardless of his or her learning capacity.


Montessorians respect and even encourage a child to go at their own pace with each activity.

Whereas in Conventional classrooms, it is often expected that all children will complete each activity at the same pace, or stop doing it if not finished within the time allocated.


In the Montessori classroom, teachers aim to help children to foster good self-esteem by understanding that they will only gain this kind of pride through their own accomplishments.

Conventional preschools seem to focus more on external validation through praise from teachers or tests.


The attitude towards learning differs greatly too. The Montessori curriculum is designed to nurture a passion for learning from the student, wherein they teach themselves to love learning itself.

Conventional schools have a curriculum which is all based around standardised testing processes and performance levels.


Dr. Maria Montessori created the alternative educational method after thoroughly studying the ways children learn most effectively.

Conventional education has shown little progress and is based on a structure which has always been a certain way