Founded in 2019, American foundation is a development and humanitarian organisation which has been spreading the light of hope across India. The idea was conceived by Dr. Vikram Prakash Lamba, (Managing Director American Group). Apart from his professional expertise, he is appreciated for his kindness and generosity.

American Foundation was born out of the belief that equal opportunity is the cornerstone of civilization. All human beings must have the same opportunity to succeed in life, irrespective of the circumstances they were born into.


However, this is far from true Individual wealth in India witnessed a growth rate of 10.91% in the year 2016-17 against 8.50% in 2015-16 . India also created higher number of high-net-worth-individuals with a growth rate of 9.5% against the Asia growth rate of 7.5%. And yet, 36% of children under the age of 5 Years in India are malnourished, 51 per cent of the women of reproductive age suffer from anemia, 33 million children still do not attend school and employed in various forms of child labor, 350 million Indians still face the burden of open defecation due to lack of access to sanitation facilities, and close to 18,000 villages in India still do not have storage facilities for water.

We at American Foundation, aspire to change this inequality.

We do that by bringing together the people who want to help and bring a change to the lives of these peoples.

“The idea of American Foundation was born simply to bridge the gap between two sets of people- people who want to give, who want to try and make a difference along with those who are in seek of the help”

The consequences of poverty are manifold and it impacts families through generations. An intervention at the right time, like educating one generation or providing livelihood to increase income can help families break the cycle of generational poverty

India is population rich. Our people are our resources and if each one of us commits to giving regularly, we will be strong enough to solve our problems. We could even be audacious enough to say that we as a community may not need any aid if we make giving a way of life.

Our Vision

To eradicate the root cause of the social problems in the country and accelerate the progress of the underprivileged section of society.

Our Mission

1) Educate less fortunate children to increase the rate of literacy in the country.

2) Empower women by making them proficient and financially independent.

3) Provide food &healthcare facilities in the weaker sections of society.

4) Support the financial needs of underprivileged children suffering from chronic diseases.

5) Ensure healthcare and life support to senior citizens residing in old age homes.

6) Preserve the goodness of nature by planting more trees and conducting cleanliness drives and awareness sessions.

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